Stanford Surgery Health Disparities Track

Core Curriculum/Didactics

  • Integration of health disparities topics into resident core course 
  • Presentation and discussion of health disparities topics at resident journal club 
  • Department of Surgery Grand Rounds guest speakers

Community Engagement & Outreach Opportunities

  • Ongoing development of resident day of service and team building with community organizations

Away Rotation & Elective Opportunities

Conference Opportunities



  • CISL Symposium: Fostering the Next Generation of Health Equity Advocates


Training Opportunities

  • Stanford Center for Continuing Medical Education “Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment in Medicine: A Guide to Accommodations for Learners with Disabilities” 
    • Online free course, ~60 minutes to complete, 1 hour of credit available upon completion 

  • Teaching LGBTQ+ Health: A Faculty Development Course for Health Professions Educators 

    • Online free course: orientation (3 lessons), fundamentals of teaching LGBTQ+ health (4 lessons, 1 assessment), teaching LGBTQ+ health cases (6 lessons), conclusion/resources/CME credit (4 lessons, 1 assessment) 

  • Presence 5 for Racial Justice 

    • Online free course, ~31 minutes to complete, 0.5 hours of credits available upon completion 

    • Available 10/31/22 through 10/31/25

  • Equitable Recruitment Practices

    • Online free course, ~25 minutes to complete, 0.5 hours of credit available upon completion 

    • Available 9/1/22 through 9/1/25

  • 5 Minute Moment for Racial Justice

    • Online, free, 5-minute educational videos 

    • Video Topics: Intro to 5 Minute Moment for Racial Justice in Healthcare, Diagnosing Skin Findings in Patients with Darker Skin, Race Correction in Pediatric UTI Guidelines

      Learn more

1-2 day course

Offered annually one weekend in January

Pipeline, Education, and Mentoring Opportunities

  • Healthy Equity Rounds with Stanford Medical Students on their Surgery Clerkship 

    • Journal club discussion on health disparities topics within surgery 

  • SCORE (Stanford Clinical Opportunity for Residency Experience Program) 

    • SCORE brings fourth-year medical students from diverse backgrounds to Stanford for a four-week residential clinical training program in one of the clinical departments at Stanford Hospitals & Clinics or Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital. SCORE students will be matched with faculty and resident mentors who share similar clinical interests. The students will participate in mentorship activities with a clinical advisor, as well as clinical rotations, programs, and activities with Stanford medical students. If desired, participants may also be connected with a research advisor. The choice of subspecialty elective will be made in conjunction with the department, depending on availability of that elective and the completion of required application information.

  • SMASH-Med

    • Since 2018, SMASH Academy has collaborated with S-SPIRE Center to  present SMASH-Med! This outreach program for high school students now includes a weekly full-day interactive module focused on careers in healthcare. Our secret wish? To inspire diverse science-minded high school students to consider a future in the medical and health fields.

      Annually in the summer on Stanford campus - July for 2022

  • Navigating Medicine Program

    • The Navigating Medicine Program aims to connect medical students with diverse residents and fellows through specialty centered socials to foster near-peer mentorship. We have also partnered with the Center for Medical Student Career Advising to have our GME Diversity Committee Specialty Representatives participate in noon time seminars that focus on exposing students to different specialties. We hold two GME-UME specific networking events per year (Fall and Spring) that bring together the Stanford University Minority Medical Alliance (SUMMA) groups and GME Diversity Committee to promote community building and near-peer mentorship.

      The Navigating Medicine Program usually has biannual events (typically in the fall and spring)

  • SUMMA (Stanford University Minority Medical Alliance) Premedical Conference

    • The goal of the Stanford University Minority Medical Alliance (SUMMA) is to increase diversity in the health professions in order to better care for underserved communities. Our annual pre-medical conference is one of the oldest on the west coast and draws hundreds of students from throughout the Bay Area.

    • The SUMMA Premedical Conference is annual in the summer (usually January/February)


    • Annual conference usually happens in ~February 

  • Health Career Collaborative (HCC) 

    • The Health Career Collaborative is a student-driven health career exposure & mentorship program that connects 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students from East Palo Alto Academy to undergrads, medical and graduate students, and faculty at Stanford. The HCC's goal is to expose students from disadvantaged and/or underrepresented backgrounds to the exciting field of healthcare in aims of making the future workforce of medicine more representative, and its delivery more equitable.

    • Health Career Collaborative General Link:

    • Health Career Collaborative Stanford Medicine - East Palo Alto Partnership:

    • Stanford Medicine Health Career Collaborative Current Medical Student Leadership:

  • STaRS

    • This summer internship was founded on the principle that education is the single, most powerful tool to improving human health. Many of us who provide mentorship in the STaRS internship program have achieved our own leadership positions because of early mentoring. Our shared goal through this program is to help exceptional young people find the challenges, excitement, and immense rewards that a career in medicine and biomedical research provides.



Scholar Program Opportunities

    • Stanford Leadership Education in Advancing Diversity (LEAD) 

      • For residents and fellows 

      • 2-hour monthly small and large group sessions for an academic year (8-10 sessions total) 

      • Presentation at the Annual Diversity and Inclusion Forum 

    • Open position for 2-year education postdoc focused on pipeline programs for URiM teens 

      • Dr. Arden Morris is the faculty point person

        Email Ana Mezynski for more info

Funding Opportunities