Stanford Surgery Research
Basic & Translational Research
At Stanford Surgery, we are dedicated to advancing the frontiers of surgical science through cutting edge basic and translational research. Our team of researchers collaborates across disciplines, leveraging a wealth of expertise and support from extramural funding. Our research addresses a range of topics including stem cells, tissue and organ regeneration, bioengineering, cancer genomics, development of novel immunotherapies for cancer, the immune response and tolerance induction in transplant recipients, and vascular biology. Our goal is to advance science that will improve patient health and enhance patient care. Our commitment to basic and translational research not only drives our clinical advancements but also fosters an environment of education and discovery that inspires the next generation of surgical leaders.
Clinical Research & Health Services Research
S-SPIRE Center
The Stanford-Surgery Policy Improvement, Research and Education (S-SPIRE) Center provides Department of Surgery faculty and trainees with research support including educational workshops, work-in-progress sessions and 1:1 consultations. Visit their website to learn about surgery-specific funding opportunities, upcoming classes, and more.