Dr. Kirchner Receives Extension Funding from Biodesign

June 6, 2024

Dr. Varia Kirchner has received additional support through the Biodesign Faculty Fellowship Extension Funding Program for her project "Rehabilitation of DCD Livers Ex Vivo.” In addition to monetary support, the program also includes continued mentorship.

“I am very grateful to everyone for this amazing opportunity and for supporting our project! I learned an incredible amount over the past year about the framework and components of Biodesign,” said Kirchner, who participated in the Faculty Fellowship Program. She says her ultimate goal is to address organ shortage in liver transplantation.

“Our team is extremely excited to take the liver regeneration project to the next level, and I believe that the support from the Biodesign team will be instrumental to our success,” said Kirchner.

Kirchner is an Associate Professor in the Division of Abdominal Transplantation. Her team members include: Jill Helms DDS, PhD, Bo Liu DDS Phd, Milo Golding, Fabiana Aellos, DDS, Isaias Martinez, Greta Nicole Cywinska, Ronny Junkins, and Joshua Badshah.

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